Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mother Nature, please be gentle!

I have my luggage near from me and I'm just waiting for the taxi to go to the airport.
Before I leave for my vacations, I thought I could share with you some pictures that I took last monday, after a mini-storm. This weather here is really funny: it's so humid that sometimes the sky needs to unload!! Imagine this for a second: the temperatures start to rise, as well as humidity; it's like, you sweat as you stand outside doing nothing (iac!) and you it seems that the sky is heavier! Suddenly, the storm begins: thunderstorms, lightnings and heavy rain!You better stay at home ;) Don't try to fight with nature, you will end up completely wet (Nature: 1; you:0), I can assure that! Anyway, usually the storm is "fast and furious" and the recovery is fast too. Sometimes I wake up, after a bad night of storms, and it's like nothing really happened.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah monday! Last monday, after a quick storm the skies turn out like this. Is not amazing? I didn't edit the photos, at all! What you see is what I saw!

kiss, kiss 

PS: I'll be back just in September with more adventures in uncle Sam's territory, missing my Portugal. But at least I have you ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Congratulations to...

Parabéns Inês! Foste a feliz contemplada ;) em breve receberás um e-mail, fico à espera da tua rsp.

Se ainda não conhecem o blog da I.S. passem por lá (cliquem na imagem), mt nice! e sempre com bom gosto! ;)
Sei que devem tar com curiosidade para saber afinal o que é a surpresa..mas, vão ter que esperar mais um pouco, ok? Logo que chegar a PT trato de lhe enviar o pacote e depois aí, mostro o que lhe ofereci (I'm shooting right now the gift!).

Obrigada a todas as participantes! Quem sabe se não farei outro passatempo qd voltar a PT (gosto disto!).

Ah! Espero que estejam a gostar do meu blog, pelo menos eu estou-me a divertir ;)

Kiss, kiss


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Watermelon festival

My american summer is almost finishing..oh! :( and you know why? because I'm going to Portugal for a couple of weeks! oh yeah,babe! I'm super, super excited!
But, hold on JB! Now, just enjoy the God blessed summer! ;)
I thought I could show you guys some pictures from today's Watermelon festival! So, what do we have? Music (different stations, different types of music), food, clothes, handicraft and tons of watermelon cubes served on plastic dishes. Perfect for a hot day like today! You see, as simple as it is! This festival took place in Carytown that reminds me our portuguese downtown, full of stores. I <3 Carytown!

Kiss, kiss

PS: I'm thrilled to know who is going to win the giveaway! Is tomorrow!! Are you ready?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Rubber ducks race: sweeet!

Thousands of rubber ducks racing into the river, I mean, in the canal?! So cool, right?
Last weekend I went with my friends to this Duck Race, that is an original fundraising event. So, lots of people came out to enjoy the sunshine and have fun. The idea is very simple: you bet in how many rubber ducks you want (which means, you pay for each one), willing to win a car!! or some nice other prizes (I would be very glad if I won the 8th prize that was a 'one burrito a week for a year' ;)). Note: you cannot bring the racer duck/s with you. But if you want you can have a special duck as a souvenir! ;)
It seems that americans have a lot of these charities events: marathons, duck races, charity balls, galas! Extra points for US!
As you can imagine, all the american festivals have funnel cakes (like the portuguese 'farturas') and hotdogs, cool music and some entertainment (a playground for kids, hula hoops, etc) . Everyone was there, even the flying squirrels (baseball team) mascot and his friends! lol
I think this is an awesome idea for Aveiro, my hometown! The ducks could race on the 'ria'.. We just need a dumpster and a crane.. and thousands of rubber ducks!
But, before you plan something like that, make sure that you have a brilliant idea to help the ducks to reach the final! lol They would need an extra-help ;)

P.S.:Don't forget to enter on my giveaway!! Check here! You have just 3 more days!

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