Thursday, December 13, 2012

Overnight at JFK

So, I went this last weekend to San Francisco to meet my boyfriend who went to the West Coast for a conference! It was an express weekend  but it was amazing, guys! We had a lot of fun, we went shopping, we took the cable cars, we went to the fisherman's wharf and all those piers (I like to call them Pière! ahah), we had clam chowder, ramen noodles, thai food, a traditional american brunch,.. oh yeah!
However (a big however!), in the end, when I arrived to New York, 5:30am, my flight back to Richmond was delayed because of the fog... and this was the beginning of a long day! Delay after delay.. all the flights got cancelled and I had no other choice than spend the night at the airport! I took a chair near the plug and I spent almost all the time in my laptop. You can imagine how many hours of sleep I got... :S In the other side of the Atlantic, my boy , who was travelling back to Portugal, was also stucked...but in Munich Airport!

After 24h, I finally caught a flight  back to Richmond..oh my! what a day! Now I need a suuuper recovery because I'm counting down the days for my vacations in Portugal!! I'm flying this saturday :D Preciso de bom tempo, São Pedro!

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Don't forget to check the posts about SF from last June:
My week in San Francisco
The Hills of San Francisco
the wharf, the chowder and the bread
THE orange golden gate
The oldest Chinatown
Details of SF

The sky finally cleared:

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  1. ...E eu acompanhei-te nessa estadia by skype! ;)

  2. que aventura!!!! eu n gosto nada de ficar muito tempo parada em aeroportos, apanho sempre uma seca enorme lol :)

  3. Apesar de, imagino, ter sido uma seca muito grande, gostei de ver as fotos do aeroporto, conseguiste dar piada ao mais banal por isso gosto muito das tuas fotos :)

    Por esta altura, penso que já deves estar por Portugal :) Boas Férias!!


  4. oh que seca q apanhaste mas valeu pelos momentos bons :)

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