Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 2: Williamsburg outlet

Day 2: shopping!!! Since we woke up on another crapy and cold day, we decided to go shopping!! We went to Williamsburg Outlet that is full of amazing stores!! Since Williamsburg is about 1h away from Richmond, we rent a car. When we realized that the Fiat 500 was available for the economy renting options, we obviously chose that car! We are sooo europeans! ahah
By the way, the car was automatic! oh, God!!! it was quite a ride! 
Before shopping we went to Colonial Williamsburg, that is essentially a living history museum (wikipedia says): a very cute downtown, with cute stores and souvenirs. We loved it!
At the end of the day, my debit card was getting exhausted! "Em riscos de vida!", I shall say. ahah 

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  1. que fotos giras!!!
    quando estive nos states, adorei ir a outlets :)
    não sei o que é aquilo que tem na imagem mas parece ter caramelo e deve ser delicioso!! :D


    1. são aquelas maças vermelhas cobertas de caramelo! na loja tinha imensas coberturas diferentes mas escolhemos a classica c caramelo. muito bom! :)

  2. Ai q dia tão fixe! Estávamos no 2º dia e o teu cartão já a ficar em riscos de vida! lol
    Willimsburg é mt giro. Adorei! Só foi pena termos apanhado mau tempo! :(

  3. Esses óculos ficam-vos a matar!!!


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