Sunday, January 15, 2012

I need some inspiration

Hey guys!

Excited for 2012? We all know that this year will be quite tough! We need to be strong, to fight and survive in this world in crisis. More than ever we need to stand out; there is no time to be regular: be extraordinaire!
I arrived this week in Richmond and I was so jet-lagged, I felt asleep almost everywhere. I’m recovering, though…
However, I'm feeling a lack of inspiration. Somehow, I decided to get inspired by those animals I saw at the zoo. And you have to agree with me: feathers, patterns, colors… such a blessed creation.



  1. Que fotos lindas! As do pavão então :))
    You go girl! Kiss

  2. Ai parece-me que ja tens ai doses de inspiração!!!
    Ainda bem que estas de volta ;)

  3. percebo perfeitamente o porquê de te sentires inspirada pelas penas, pelas cores :)

    aproveito para te desejar um bom ano :) bjo**

  4. Meu deus, q cores lindas!!! Adoro! é incrível como a natureza tem o dom de criar cores e formas deslumbrantes! Continua o bom trabalho! Agora a tua máquina tem uma nova maletinni! ;)

  5. Oh que coisas fofaaaas, que saudades de ir a um jardim zoológico :')


  6. PinPanPun Frogiie SebastianJuly 8, 2012 at 11:29 AM

    Beautiful! There so much inspiration! (I'm Chinese)I'm sorry for my english!
    Marry me !


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