Sunday, October 2, 2011

2nd St festival

Jackson Ward is a historically african-american neighborhood here in Richmond. After the American Civil war, previously free blacks joined freed slaves and their descendants and created a thriving African-American business community, and became known as the "Black Wall Street of America". As a center for both black commerce and entertainment, Jackson Ward was also called the "Harlem of the South". Jackson Ward was frequented by Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Bill "Bojangles", Lena Horne, Cab Calloway, Nat King Cole, James Brown. 
2nd Street was the heart and soul of Richmond’s African-American community. Each year thousands of people come to Richmond’s historic Jackson Ward to hear live music on four stages, enjoy children’s activities, taste delicious food, shop in the marketplace, dance in the streets and renew old friendships. Who wants to see some photos from the 2nd Street festival?



  1. Era destas festas que precisávamos por cá!!! Temos que usufruir mais dos nossos espaços públicos!

  2. Esses carros mandam cá um estilo!

  3. Deve ter sido super giro o festival! (:

    tem fotos super interessantes!

  4. uahhha adorava ter idooo : )) mostra mais..African-American community <3 <3

  5. Bem que carros fantásticos :) Lembro-me da minha mae ir a festas africanas aqui em Portugal e era a diversão total :-) bjo**


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