Sunday, February 26, 2012

vintage sewing

I saw a quote one of these days saying that vintage clothes are just a fancy word for old and smelly clothes. lol Well, vintage clothing is a very hot topic and always will be, that’s for sure. But you have to agree with me about the amazing talent and workmanship that goes in to detailing clothing.
Most people use the words "vintage" and "antique" interchangeably. There are, however, several periods of time which are defined.
According to wikipedia, antique is defined as:

An item which is at least 100 years old and is collected or desirable due to rarity, condition, utility, or some other unique feature.

A rough definition of time periods and definitions is as follows:

Gregorian: pre- 1837
Victorian/Edwardian: 1837 - 1910
Art Nouveau/Art Deco: 1895 - 1925
Retro/Vintage: 1940 – 1980

Last week, a friend of mine invited me to her place because she inherited a TON of vintage sewing and craft things from her grandparent. So, after taking what she wanted, she organized a swap. I felt I was in a garage sale back in 1963: there was patterns, pins, thread, buttons, some costume jewelry, some fabric and other flotsam. Well, I just brought a couple of things with me but don’t get me wrong… I wish I just know how to sew! 

I hope you like it!




  1. Esta última imagem: amei! Recuperei mil memorias num pequeno instante ;)

  2. que giro! e aquela mala de viagem é brutal!

  3. a mala de viagem e os alfinetes são lindos, J.!! fiquei apaixonada pelo alfinete do papagaio e da bailarina :))


  4. Adorei a mala de viagem:)
    estas coisas fazem-me lembrar a infância:)

  5. Para mim os livrinhos!
    Já vi que o starter n correu bem! Não desistas! Já experimentaste acrecentar um pouco de fermento ao starter? Talvez o teu precise de uma ajudinha extra :)

  6. tb adorei a malinha mas a minha colega ficou c ela.bem,a verdd e' q so estou por ca de 'visita'.depois no final, qd tiver q arrumar as malas e' q iam ser elas! lol

  7. que giro acho que devo ter para aqui em casa imensas revistas desse género :)

  8. Por acaso tinha noção daquilo que é ser vintage mas existe muita gente que não sabe e abusa da palavra :p btw gostei das fotos :)



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