Friday, July 6, 2012

Apple-Cranberry Cobbler

Another American classic: the cobbler!

When the English settled on this side of the Atlantic, they quickly began baking their beloved pies, but with a little twist. Without the resources of brick ovens they started to do those type of pies using fruit, meat or vegetables into a pot and then a dough placed over the filling. The peach cobbler is very popular around the summer time but then I found this recipe with 3 different apples and cranberries. I mean, cranberries: so American!! I like it! ;)

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 from United Cakes of America, Warren Brown

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  1. Parece tão fácil! Vou experimentar!!! :)

  2. ai meu deus, isto é tão booooooom!

  3. Que bom aspecto! eheh

    Estou nos states sim, vivo/trabalho em New York como enfermeira :)

  4. Que delicia... Já fiz com nêsperas, com maçã nunca experimentei... Mas com estas imagens tenho que fazer!
    Um beijinho

  5. Tu e o nome das maçãs... Faltam aí as Bravo Esmolfe do Tiaguíssimo...


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