Friday, June 10, 2011

Necessary NYC, such a necessary city!

I <3 New York!!!

I was so excited to finally meet NYC! And people are right when they say that you are surrounded by nice tall buildings, amazing fashion stores and people from all over the place! Finally I listen some portuguese in the streets! ;) It's kind of a melting pot in a concrete jungle! For me, it sounds awesome!
Our flight was cancelled because of the storms so our trip was reduced for only 2 days :( So, we just had time to see Manhattan and its must go places. And I feel like I didn't had time to take nice and different photos. My eyes were too tourist. I have to go again and fill my SD card with nice pics.
And do you want to know something? NYC has actually the same latitude as Aveiro (my hometown), isn't it nice? Cool! Just the ocean apart!

What NYC does have? (from the upper side to the bottom)
  • Central park!! Huge Central Park! I really liked to have a walk there, it was so refreshing and revitalizing!
  • Rockfeller Plaza, that is so 30 Rock! Go to the NBC store, they have nice merchandise about NBC TV shows.
  • Walk the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, ... avenues... be amazed with all of the fashion stores. Just look at the fashion windows!
  • You have to go to Times Square, specially at night. Go every night! Ah! And don't forget the M&M store: so original and colorful.
  • Climb the Empire State Building! I was there in the evening (around 7pm) and it was magnificent! Some lights on..The view was super super amazing! But make sure that you have your coat on because was freakin' windy! I want to go there again, take more pictures and analyze each building! :D
  • It has a little, little Italy (near by the big, big Chinatown :)) where you should definitely eat! Specially because some cute guys will come at you offering the menu.
  • Since you are at the Lower Manhattan, go to the Brooklyn bridge (I should have walk to the other side.. 2km of length). I wish the weather was better, it was to cloudy. iac!
  • Go to the 9/11 to get some chills :/ Is not finished but you can imagine the twin towers there..
  • From the bottom of Manhattan, you can see the Statue of Liberty. And I just saw it from Manhattan's. The ferry seemed to me so romantic: crowded and shaking all over the places.. lol
And the art on the streets, god! I didn't have time to go to MoMa museum or the Metropolitan but I was so inspired in the streets, people and energy of the city! I <3 NYC!



  1. I want to visit that city! It must be so gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing :)

    Follow me, if you still aren't ;)
    Have a fashionable day! <3
    IT *

  2. oh, adorava conhecer NYC mas ainda não poderá ser para breve!

    Tive imenso gosto em saber que és de Aveiro, pois também sou! (:

  3. Que nice!Aveiro rocks! ;)
    Já fiz aqui uns *ovos moles* para os meus colegas e eles adoraram, pois claro!

  4. A sardinha e os manjerios e tudo o que se vê por estes dias em Lisboa é muito bonito mas aredita que dava tudo para ir a NY...for sure!

  5. tenho curiosidade por nyc, como a maioria...mas acho que gosto mais de ovos moles! nham nham

  6. As fotos estão espectaculares :-) Adorava ir a nova iorque mas acho que não vai ser este ano :-( Mas quando for irei de certeza à loja m&m, gulosa como sou!!! lol

    em relação à inglot: não tenho nenhum produto da marca, mas à tua semelhança, tenho ouvido falar super bem da marca - nomeadamente das sombras. Pelos vistos têm excelente pigmentação. se comprares primeiro do que eu não te esqueças de partilhar fotos :-) **

  7. (:
    Estou a espera de novas fotos dos EUA! Será este fim de semana!?


  8. Obrigada querida! Aiii...agora ainda me deu mais vontade de ganhar *.* quem dera.....


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