Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 13: Central Park and all of the lights!

Time to explore Uptown Manhattan! From Uptown to Midtown, from Harlem to 5th Ave! Yes, we decided to start the day at the Harlem, an african-american neighborhood often called 'black mecca', and do the Harlem Shake (True. We have photos.) 
As we walked down the city, we tried to recognize the places from the movies and tv shows. We went from Upper East Side to Upper West Side, and all the way across the Central Park to see its big lakes. In the Upper East we saw where the rich people live/stay for holidays and, of course, the Guggenheim Museum (only from the outside). In the Upper West we tried to find the "John Lennon's Hotel" but we only found the Gossip Girl's Hotel Empire! lol 
At the sunset, Empire State Building was our final destination. After a 2 hour waiting line, we reached the top and we were able to see  Manhattan by day and by night. It was marvellous! You feel like you are on top of the world, singing 'New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of...'. The view is awesome! Something you won't forget ever!

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  1. Só não percebo pq é q puseste a última foto! ahahahaha
    A tua máquina é realmente fantástica: consegues apanhar os pormenores no topo dos edifícios, a Estátua da Liberdade a vários Km de Manhattan,...até consegues tirar foto aos edifícios inteiros, por mais altos q eles sejam. Incrível! A qualidade das fotos é brutal. Parabéns!

    1. tiveste sorte q n viste ratazanas no metro! obrigada maninha ;)

  2. adorei o blog e sou uma nova seguidora!

    (passa no meu blog: www.pinkie-love-forever.blogspot.com)


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